Saturday, November 19, 2005

query:: toself / Where is my mind?

I want to jot down so many things...

A thread of mind goes to thinking about why Tesla was downplayed?
Another thread creates a new point to be put down into my project due next fortnight
Another one is singing to Busta Rhymes
Yet another summarising the next shopping list
A completely blank one
One is replaying a conversation with an old flame
Finally, a thread dedicated to typing this blog

The Wondorous mind, where art thou?
Unless I'm focussed, I'm tripping on my own thoughts
Too many to keep track, Does it happen to you?
May be meditation is the answer
Does every thread carry its own personality? The genius, the Punk, the Angel, the Defiant, the engineer, the Moron and the Normal one (Predominant)
I'll introduce you when I find them with my mind
"Flying cars"
"Dancing in the rain"
"Curried prawns"
Such is my dilema


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean. I'm constantly like this. It actually used to be a lot worse back in college and I guess it was the same with you. Remember when both of us were screwing around with our studies. Meditation may be one answer but not necessarily. I believe having a purpose in life and a sense of direction is a much more potent force to channel the energies of the mind...

2:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arvind, I guess you are completely confused!

I think you really want something really badly, and you are not able to get it?

Well, even I am in the same situation. Thousand thoughts running on my head! and no solution even to one!

You didnt mention about the root thread which is causing all this problems...

11:03 AM  
Blogger The Eye of the Beholder said...

I wouldn't say confused, what you saw there was a snapshot of the thoughts I was most aware of, in my mind in that one instance.

8:37 PM  

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